2nd Grade
Our 2nd-grade curriculum provides a safe learning environment for students to explore their interests and questions. Students learn how to collaborate with others and learn the benefits of this collaboration. Students are provided a curriculum that both engages and challenges them in meaningful ways. Fun is used to enhance the learning experience.
Students are given ample opportunities to let their creativity shine. The interests and passions of each student are discovered and utilized to motivate their learning. A relationship of respect and trust is formed between teacher and student. A wide variety of diverse learning opportunities are a part of the 2nd-grade curriculum.
On any given day students in 2nd grade may be observed acting out a play, conducting a STEM activity, playing a math skill-enhancing card game, planning a scientific experiment, or carrying out a community service project. Students are truly engaged in learning activities from the moment they enter the classroom to the moment they leave.

Language Arts
Students are immersed in reading through the use of interactive notebooks, leveled readers, novels studies, and Read Works articles.  Students are grown as writers through a daily writer’s workshop in which the craft of writing is taught by student’s creating their own original works through a gradual release system.
Standards based math understanding is expanded through the use of hands-on manipulatives and math games.

Students further their understanding of Jesus and form a relationship with Him through a program that has built in art and scripture studies.
Science and Social Studies
Students explore science questions through a mystery science program incorporating hands-on activities and technology. Social studies standards are met through a weekly studies reader that presents age-appropriate current events to learners.

Students prepare for the Sacraments of First Communion and First Reconciliation in 2nd grade. Students who are not Catholic or not partaking in the sacraments are included in the education and preparations but do not take part in the sacrament itself.

Local Fieldtrips
Students in 2nd grade visit many local historical attractions where they receive special behind-the-scenes experiences and access.