Our full-day kindergarten program is set up to grow lifelong learners. A passion for learning is shared with students to spark their own passion for learning. Their growth is encouraged by a system of gradual release to foster autonomy. Students are nurtured and supported through this growing process to ensure healthy maturation.
We understand and value the age and stage of the kindergarten learner. Movement, dance, rhymes, chants, and fun are included in lessons to engage all students. Curiosity and imagination are embraced and drive learning in our kindergarten classroom. The right amount of structure and organization is balanced with creativity and freedom to create an optimum learning environment.
Our kindergarten program strives to reach learners from all different backgrounds. Diversity in students is acknowledged and celebrated in the classroom. Acceptance is taught and modeled to instill this value early on. The comfort provided in this acceptance gives students the foundation they need to flourish.

Language Arts
Reading and writing are a key focus in the kindergarten program.  Teaching of this subject incorporates both auditory and kinesthetic learning.  Anchor charts are created as visual references for students.  Letters, words, and reading are incorporated into every subject.
Dance and movement are incorporated into the Math learning program.  Students grasp number identification and early math skills through the use of manipulatives.  Repetition and call out activities are used to enhance fact fluency in a fun and age-appropriate manner.

Students learn about Jesus and his life through a program that incorporates art.  Lessons are related to real life experiences that take place in the kindergartener’s day to day.
Science and Social Studies
Science involves hands-on experiments that facilitate student-led exploration. Social studies uses virtual field trips to take kindergarteners beyond their day-to-day experiences.

Our Kindergarten Program
Our kindergarten program is a full-day program. Students may arrive between 7:30 AMÂ and 7:55 AM. Class begins at 8:00 am each day. The school day ends at 3:10 PMÂ each day except Wednesday, which ends at 2:25 PM. There is an after-school care program until 5:00 PMÂ each day that kindergarteners may utilize.

To be enrolled in our kindergarten program students must be 5 years of age by August 1st of the school year. Exceptions are made at the discretion of the administration. Having preschool experience is not required but is encouraged.