PTO News
Read updates from our school's PTO below!
March 7th, 2025
St. Mary's boys' basketball had another win at home on Tuesday, making us 6-0 and an undefeated season!!! Great job, Cubs!!! To the girls' basketball, boys' basketball, and cheer—YOU'VE ALL DONE A GREAT JOB!!! THANK YOU to our chairs and committee members for helping with concessions!!
Pizza Kit Fundraiser - Pizzas are in the oven!!!! They will be delivered March 18th. If you are able to help sort or help with pick up times, please contact Jennifer Snow.
St. Mary's PTO Chicken Dinner WAS A HUGE SUCCESS!!! THANK YOU, Darren and Kayla Kessler, for chairing the event this year and THANK YOU to everyone who donated desserts, cleaned chicken, served food, or performed any other tasks during the event!! Thank you, Knights of Columbus, for hosting the event!!!
Athletic/Robotics Banquet - Thursday, March 13th at 5:30 pm at St. Mary's gym. See the flyer in the newsletter for more details!!
Special Person's Day will be Friday, March 21st. See the flyer in the newsletter for more details!!
The next PTO meeting is Thursday, April 3rd at 6:30 pm in the multipurpose room at the school. We will be doing the election of officers. If you or anyone you know would like to be an officer, please plan to attend the meeting or contact a current officer to nominate. Please reach out to a current officer if you have any questions about a certain role!
If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please reach out to Mary Burklow, Liz Ging, Ashley Harpring, Jennifer Hoeing, or Jennifer Snow.​
Check out our Facebook page by using the link below!